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Novice about the principles of translation_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2016/09/26 00:00:00  浏览次数:849  
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E-ging Solutions is a world-leading Shanghai translation company with specialties in language translation.

Since reform and opening up, China's development is obvious to all, China ranks among the international market but also to begin the translation industry is flourishing, the rise of the translation industry, but also a lot of people chose to translate this road, a lot of people studying linguistics own career planning to translate this industry. When recent college graduates are entering the community identify their future goals and embarked on a translation of the road, then joined the line, the fledgling translator should be noted, what does? Shanghai translation company to come and explore with everyone.

First, the new translators to do is good at investing their time and effort, no stupid people, only people who do not work hard, one step back, even if stupid people if you work hard, take the time and effort you can definitely the thing to do good, to learn English is no exception, can not develop their own mental laziness, to be good investment of their time, and secondly, to have affection for the English, only his heart beat like it will generate interest, thus bringing English translation as a happy thing, doing everyday things feel very happy will have more energy and motivation to do so, if you do not have love for the love of the English language, forcing himself to learn to go every day, the effect is certainly not ideal and and he said, very painful, you can start with a simple start, watching American TV is a good choice, not only can stimulate the nervous enjoy the story, but also can improve their hearing by watching American TV, Ken outset blindly make their own books lose interest in learning. Third, listening and writing for learning English is very important, can be combined with video and learn other people's way of speaking, context is very important, do not always rote, while achieving the desired effects, will increase own pressure. The fourth is to have enough confidence in myself, feel that they are able to control the English, to have the determination to persevere, persevere will be rewarded, halfway, then what the results are not in, the sky will not fall stuffing cake, which is inevitable, pain no gain. Fifth, to their own binding, translation has always been a gradual process, no one will bite into a fat, to constantly remind ourselves of what they need and want goal is to find a power point, then it continued to persevere.

Translation joined the line when the pressure may be relatively large, there are many things to learn, but there is pressure there is power, life is so full of uncertainty, Shanghai Translation Company believes that nothing need be afraid of, and difficulties make their workout more remarkable.


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