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Features of Business English translation_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2016/10/04 00:00:00  浏览次数:937  
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E-ging Solutions is a world-leading Shanghai translation company with specialties in Business English translation.

Business English language has its own characteristics, not only need to have proficient knowledge of the English language, but also need to be familiar knowledge of the business aspects, are indispensable. Shanghai Translation Company believes China since China joined the WTO, the international business activities have become increasingly frequent. These business activities include many areas, such as foreign trade. International finance, international tourism, foreign investment, and part of the business in which the English occupied indispensable communication tool for business English is the main economic activity in the world, so more and more people are beginning to produce business English and translation interest. 
Business English is used in international trade and marketing and other business activities of a special body of the English language. It is a branch of the English language, there is no essential difference, but it has a specific "business characteristics." It is in terms of lexical, syntactic, stylistic, etc. has its own characteristics, and often involve many different business areas. There are two kinds of business English stylistic, exceptionally formal style and application style. Style is a stylistic form of business with the development of commodity production and trade formed. Business English vocabulary biggest feature is the use of the precise use of specialized vocabulary, which contains a large number of specialized vocabulary, the ordinary meaning of a word or a business compound words and acronyms and other aspects related to business theory and business practices, their language has a very strong professional. To do business in English translation, you need to have deep expertise on international trade-related terms have a more comprehensive understanding. At the same time, but also to grasp the basic principles and techniques of business English translation. Only the combination of these two skills effectively in order to feel handy in business English translation. In order to truly master business English, we must be in the English language to lay the foundation of the premise, to strengthen the business knowledge and learning, the two complement each other, in order to promote the continuous improvement of the level of business English. Meanwhile, in business English translation, the translation must follow certain principles, use some translation strategies. Only by constantly learning new knowledge, accumulated experience, broaden their knowledge, in order to make business English translation to really believe, and Elegance realm. 
Shanghai Translation Company believes that not only usually to enhance learning, in the translation process should constantly sum up experience

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