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Matters involving passport translation_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2016/09/28 00:00:00  浏览次数:876  
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E-ging Solutions is a world-leading Shanghai translation company with specialties in passport translation.

Raise the level of the national economy, quality of life continue to rise, consumers are now no longer has started just blindly pursue material enjoyment, many people began to pursue the spirit of enjoyment, and now travel abroad more and more people, immigrants also many people, so you need to apply for a passport, and simple Chinese passport is not enough, need to be translated, the translation is not accurate will cause a lot of misunderstanding, so fill out your personal information when you need careful carefully, carefully check , a little small mistake will make the visa officer doubts outweigh the benefits, increasing unnecessary trouble.
Passport translations, there are many points to note, Shanghai translation company and we work together to look to the future when there is a rush of demand abroad, so to sum up, then you can also have a hand and ready, and will not allow himself so flustered.
Account number: Household number
Collective households: Corporate Do not translated collective-- non-agricultural households / collective households is the Non-agricultural family / corporate. Other so on. Some booklet "Account Type" column does not indicate "agriculture" or "non-agricultural" and directly is the "household" or "collective mouth." In this case, it is recommended translated Household of a Family or Household of a Corporate.
Name of head of household and family members within - after completed in English, then Chinese characters repeat, because the Chinese name is the legal name. For example, want to prove that the visa officer.
Police station Police station; Public Security Bureau Public Security Sub-Bureau (municipal district level); Public Security Bureau Public Security Bureau (land, city, county); Public Security Bureau Public Security Department
The head of household or relationship with the head of the household - if I was the head of household, to fill Householder himself or Householder herself. Relationship to head: pure English is relation to. Not a relation with. If you are headed parents, spouses, children, brothers, sisters, directly fill Father / Mother / Husband / Wife / Son / Daughter / Brother / Sister, do not need add Householder's / His / Her, nor does it require elder / younger to distinguish brother / brother or sister / sister. Eldest son / daughter, second son / daughter's class, no need to add first, second, etc. ordinal, because of the specific sections already have the date of birth, age, seniority naturally relatively out. Westerners like Chinese people are so stressed seniority and the size of the family hierarchy. Note, daughter, son-unavailable Son-in-law / Daughter-in-law, can lead to ambiguity (in most cases means "dependent children" or "stepchild"), should be used Son's wife / Daughter's husband.
National, ethnic composition: Ethnicity or Ethnic group-- do note that in no way can be translated as nationality, "nationality" correct translation is ethnicity or ethnic group do not let people think you are a secessionist 2008!!!!! between March and April, overseas Chinese support Tibetan separatist protests in Western countries, play the slogan is "One China, 56 ethnics", which means "56 ethnic groups, a Chinese"; if it is one China 56 nations, it would mean that their own pumping his ears, become a joke around the world, the middle play into the hands of anti-China forces? matter of principle, we must pay attention.
Passport translation can be said not uncommon, but we still have to pay attention, many people may feel that this is not so difficult, we also have English background, their own translation of what you can, in fact, there are many middle to note, Shanghai Translation the company believes it should work to translate the formal translation companies do, so that not only the quality and quantity, and business worries

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