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Translation Skills of business contracts_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2016/09/27 00:00:00  浏览次数:933  
字体大小: 【小】 【中】 【大】

E-ging Solutions is a world-leading Shanghai translation company with specialties in business contracts translation.

The continuous development of China's foreign economic and trade, ever closer, China's enterprises and foreign have more opportunities for cooperation and foreign businessmen in negotiating or signing a business labor contract, this time the translation is between these two bridge and link, plays a role in contact between the two.
Business contract is a legal basis for doing business between the interests of merchants and maintain, so for translation quality requirements quite high, but due to their stylistic features of business contracts more difficult to translate, so the interpreter must understand the characteristics of commercial contracts in understanding the basis of the contract before it can be translated better.
First, select the vocabulary to be used in professional formal vocabulary, because business contracts legal documents belonging to the category. In order to reflect the normative business contracts and rigor in the selection requires the use of formal vocabulary word or phrase seriously, on this basis, also need to ensure decent vocabulary selection and with the original peer. Business Contracts translation there are a lot of jargon, in order to be able to better translate the original meaning, which requires not only have professional translators terminology translation skills, but also need to have a solid foundation to turn. Since the English and Chinese do not belong to the same language, so translators need to complete expression in English translated into Chinese out, so try to put this kind of stylistic converted into Chinese perfect expressed, coupled with business contracts are the rights and obligations of the parties , so the wording must be objective and impartial, rigorous standards, business contracts are mostly the ones in the form of passive sentences, but some sentences can still be based on Chinese habit to translate it into the active sentence. In order to ensure that the rights and obligations of both parties, can be translated article too long, complex sentences when translated into Chinese is relatively simple sentences according to Chinese needs.
Business Translation Translation contract is one of them, since it is a translation, then the translation is bound to comply with the basic requirements, namely Sunyard, but in the field of translation in business contracts, obviously, much more important than the letter and up to ya, Put simply translate door business contracts concerned about is faithful, loyal to the original, in the translation process, the best way is to follow the structure and meaning of the original, as well as in the understanding of structural features of syntactic features original premise, understanding the full text, be literal.
Translating business contracts related to the interests and responsibilities of the duty of cooperation between the two companies as well as between the need to clearly translate clearly, otherwise if any error occurs in the process of cooperation, it is bound to the pursuit of responsibility, so in the translation process requires careful seriously.

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