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Enterprise needs unique translation or not_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2016/09/21 00:00:00  浏览次数:833  
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E-ging Solutions is a world-leading Shanghai translation company with specialties in business translation.

Translation is a unique enterprise business has been more concerned about the topic, it seems, still have to see each holding, everyone has their own opinion, can be described as the wise see wisdom eyes of the beholder. Shanghai Translation Company believes companies should translate from their own actual situation, to see if their own business to make a decision.

Some people think that corporate culture should have its own characteristics, Translation, and other business disciplines are different, many of the issues involved, to solve the problem you want to solve a lot of these issues will need to establish a set belonging from reality characteristics of their own theories and principles of translation, simply hold the current translation theory, or the experience of others can not be a good practical solution.

Another part of people think the current translation theories and principles although it may not help us solve the problem, but it can give guidance on the macro level, if the establishment of a new set of translation theory and principles in their own, might play a superfluous superfluous role.

Shanghai Translation Company believes that the current translation theories and principles, while having a very important guiding significance for the enterprise, but after all, not the enterprise to create their own reality based, is not able to help solve many of the fundamental issues that, if not fundamentally on resolved, then the development of enterprises there will hinder the action, you need to summarize a set belonging to their translation principles and methods, it will not only be more distinctive enterprises, but also according to the actual situation of development in accordance with the existing translation theory business.

A lot of people are talking about the principles of translation, is that we all know Sunyard, which is the translation industry has been debating the topic, but in fact this is a very abstract issue, no one in the field of translation is required under the guidelines of according to certain methods, according to the actual situation, the use of flexible methods, each interpreter to take are not the same, although the end result is the same, but this is the case or the lack of a unified guidelines, so will directly affect the development of enterprises.

Shanghai translation that the principle of translation is required in accordance with the actual situation of their own to carry out the development, the time is the sole criterion for testing truth.

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