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Eging Solutrions tell you how to use literal translation correctly?_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2016/04/20 00:00:00  浏览次数:1092  
字体大小: 【小】 【中】 【大】
    How to use literal translation correctly? First, know source language and target language culture as much as possible and translators should have extensive knowledge with the problems which the original wrote or talk about, translators should be conversant. We often have experience like that: Because lake of some knowledge that somebody talking about, even after others explained, we still did not know or understand. So before translators translating some materials, especially some proffessional materials translators must grasp some knowledge about the materials. For example, if translate some materials about economy,translators should know some knowledge about economy; if translate some material about news, translators should know some knowledge about news;if translate some professional materials,translators should know some knowledge about that proffession, or be an export of that proffession. If translator was a man who did not know something about the material which he wanted to translate, his translation would be unqualified. Second, comprehend source language message correctly and thoroughly. It is very important. Translators should not only know the surface meaning of the original and translators should read through the surface, know what does the original want to express. If a translator does only know surface meaning of the original and translate it literally, his translation would be correspondingly. After target language reader read his translation, they would be confuse and have different feeling between the original and the translation or even have erroneous comprehension.

  Translation is different from reading. When we reading, it no matter how much we understand or can be understand or have erroneous comprehension. Because level of the readers is limited. Reading is only a feeling of himself. But translation affects others. Instead of the original author, translation is a man retell source language massage to target language. So translators should comprehened the source language message deeply and thoroughly, then retell the meaning of the source language correctly and close to the source language message. If a translator comprehened the source language just a little nmbiguiously,translation would be different from the source language message. Therefore, comprehension is very important. If translators had false comprehension to the source language message, his translation could be far from the original. This will lead his translation to be unqualified.

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