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Croatia: An Interesting Country to Visit_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2018/02/20 00:00:00  浏览次数:812  
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Croatia, officially known as the Republic of Croatia, is a South-Eastern Europe country located where the Pannonian Plain meets the Adriatic Sea. Croatia borders with Slovenia in the north-west, Hungary in the north and Serbia in the north-east. Croatia has long coastlines on the Adriatic Sea, which encompass over 1,000 islands.  Neighboring countries of Croatia include Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Hungary.

Croatia currently has a population of 4.5 million people, with the majority of the population being Croats; while Serbs, Albanians, Bosnians, Slovenians, Italians, Aryans, and Czechs form the numerous minorities.

Zagreb: The Capital City of Croatia

The capital of Croatia is Zagreb, which is an inland capital: it’s also the largest city in Croatia with its population of almost one million people. It’s situated in the north-west of Croatia along the Sava River: Zagreb is the political, cultural, economic, and scientific centre of Croatia. The city of Zagreb is distinguished by its many museums and its medieval Gornji Gad (meaning Upper Town).

Dubrovnik is the major coastal city of Croatia, renowned for its huge 16th-century walls encircling the Told Town, together with its Renaissance and Gothic buildings.

Tourism in Croatia

Croatia is classified as an open and developing economy by The International Monetary Fund; while the World Bank classifies Croatia as a high-income economy. Traditionally, Croatia is a tourism-oriented country. It easily attracts modern-day tourists with its natural beauty, historical heritage, and wonderful climate. Together with the high-quality accommodation on offer and the many activities and entertainment available for tourists, it’s no wonder that Croatia sits high on many traveller’s ‘Places-I’d-love-to-visit’ list.

Croatia’s Language and Alphabet

The Croatian language uses the Roman alphabet, but some of the letters have been modified while others have been added to suit the specific phonic system of the Croatian language. The Croatian alphabet contains 30 letters in total. All Slavic languages have developed from the proto-Slavic language, and this includes Croatian translation: this language is used by more than 5.5 million people all over the world. Besides being the official language of the Republic of Croatia, it’s also one of the official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition, the Croatian language is spoken by ethnic minority members in Montenegro, Serbia, Hungary, Slovenia, Italy, Slovakia, and other countries that are home to members of the Croatian language community.

The ethnic structure of Croatia is as follows –

88% Croats;

7.74% minorities; and

2.64% other nations.

The religious structure of Croatia is as follows –

88% Catholic;

4.42% Orthodox;

1.28% Muslim; and

5.21% atheist.

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