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Aussie language interpreters and translators have new code of ethics_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2017/09/08 00:00:00  浏览次数:866  
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Concerns about language interpretation standards and conditions in Australian courts and hospitals prompted a comprehensive two-year review of the previous code.

A new code of ethics for language interpreters and translators has been released to the public by the Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators (AUSIT) on that organization’swebsite.

A working group, which included language translation experts from around Australia, collaborated to identify best practices from around the world. The group analyzed findings from numerous international forums including, courts, war crimes tribunals and other professional associations.

“Our clients often have no way of telling how good an interpreter or translator is,” said AUSIT President, Annamaria Arnall.

“They need to feel confident in the service they get, especially when it’s in another language.”

The updated code of ethics has been endorsed by the National Accreditation Authority for Interpreters and Translators (NAATI) the government’s accreditation office, according to Ms. Arnall.

Prior to its release, the new code was also formally adopted by AUSIT’s counterpart in New Zealand, making it the most important reference for language services in the southern hemisphere.

“It is the only such code in the world to be adopted throughout a region and not just within a single country,” Ms. Arnall said.

Ms. Arnall added that language translation and interpretation directly affects the quality of services in diverse fields such as legal and medical services, law enforcement, mining and manufacturing, export and import trade, education and migration.

The federal government and many states in the United States (such as California, Florida, New York, and Delaware among others) require court-certified and court-registered interpreters to agree with and to adhere to an interpreter code of ethics. Do you believe that American interpreters and translators should also adhere to a strict code of ethics as they follow their continuous professional development? Let us know your thoughts.

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