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3 Reasons to Become a Telephone Interpreter_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2017/07/31 00:00:00  浏览次数:677  
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When it comes to finding the right career, there’s no getting around the fact that doing so can be extremely difficult. Many people spend years working in industries that aren’t the right fit for them as they try to find a job that truly resonates, which can result in a great deal of unhappiness over time. One career that sometimes gets overlooked is that of telephone interpreting.

Becoming a telephone interpreter comes with a variety of benefits, many of which often go unnoticed. Entering into the profession can take a great deal of hard work, but it’s more than worth your while. Consider the following reasons to work toward becoming a telephone interpreter, all of which are worth paying attention to.

1. Good Pay

Once you begin to move up in the industry, it’s quite possible to make very good pay in the language translation industry. An entry-level job as a telephone interpreter, for example, can often pay around $14 per hour, which is higher than in many other industries. Stick with it, and you stand to make quite a bit more as you build experience.

2. Cultural Education 

It would be next to impossible to be a good telephone interpreter without obtaining a strong education about different cultures, and that just so happens to be a perk of the job. Becoming well-rounded in this way will help to give you a better understanding not only of different cultures, but of the world as a whole. It’s essential in the language translation industry, but it’s also beneficial to you personally. There are countless classes, seminars, and other educational opportunities that interpreters can take advantage of, especially those who live in large cities. The more you can learn, the better you’ll be at your job.

3. Flexible Schedule

In many situations, telephone interpreters enjoy a rather flexible schedule. Those who work freelance, for example, can typically set their own hours and even work from home. Even agency work is flexible, and there’s a lot to be said for having control over your work life. Build your own business, and you can expect to have even more flexibility!

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