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Need to hire consecutive interpreter,simultaneous interpreting and telelphone interpreting service in China?

Whether a conference interpreted simultaneously, a business meeting

or telephone interpreting,

Eging always have the suitable interpreter for your needs.

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Address:20F, Huiyang Plaza 55 East TianlinRd, Xuhui District, Shanghai
Tel:86-021-61314948; 86-021-60491269;86-021-60491236
Mobile:86-137 6474 0063

Multilingual Solurtions For Every Industry

发表时间:2016/03/29 00:00:00  浏览次数:980  
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Shanghai EgingTranslation Co., Ltd. has the experience, know-how, staff, and quality control elements in place to provide solutions specifically geared for your company. We are flexible and adaptable. We understand that your company exists in a dynamic work environment and often requires solutions which are customized to each specific project. Below is a brief listing of just some of the diverse industries we have supplied services for:


Shipbuilding (civil and military)


We have handled complicated and technical projects for the shipbuilding industry. Our fast turnover and flawless multilingual services are perfectly geared to this fast moving and dynamic industry. Projects have included multilingual services in the following areas:


Maintenance and engineering

Propulsion and energy

Shipbuilding and shipyards

Weaponry and armaments


We meet the ISO 9001:2000 standard and our work has spanned the entire globe. We have experts in the naval field who understand nuances and changes in language and terminology. You will receive superior value for each dollar spent and our quality control processes are second to none.


The Insurance Industry


E-ging Solution has experience handling countless types of insurance documents and materials. Our staff understands the language and management of Insurance Industry projects. E-ging Solution can handle all of your multilingual needs, regardless of language combination or format. When you choose E-ging Solution, you can rest assured that you will be thrilled with the end product.


And other fields of specialization…


Below is a listing of other industries that have contracted E-ging Solution. We have developed experts specialized in handling the varieties of projects which are unique to each field. E-ging Solution has the multilingual solutions you are looking for, regardless of your field.





Advertisement and Marketing

Tourism and Recreation


Food and Drug


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ICP 备案号:沪ICP备14046471号-4 is a world-leading translation company with specialties in website translation, legal translation, patent translation, certified translation, software localization, website localization, software products, and enterprise-level, professional translation services. Whether you are looking for a translation agency or an independent translator, Eging offers a full array of language services to meet your needs.

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