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Six Languages Increasing in Demand VI: Xhosa Translation_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2017/06/19 00:00:00  浏览次数:830  
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E-ging Solutions is a world-leading Shanghai translation company with specialties in Xhosa translation.

Xhosa translations, especially translations into Xhosa, have been growing in demand for some time now. Why the sudden uptick in Xhosa language translation? Several factors are contributing to this trend. Here’s a look at some of the reasons different world languages are being translated into Xhosa these days.

First off, Xhosa is one of South Africa’s official languages. Just under 8 million people speak this Bantu language as their mother tongue. That fact alone means there’s going to be a strong increase in demand for Xhosa translations in years to come. (One particular native speaker of Xhosa gained some fame and it seems all along there was a sense of great things to come where he was concerned. Nelson Mandela’s given birth name of “Rolihlahla” in Xhosa to English translation means “troublemaker,” a fitting title that seems prescient for the man who would become the world’s most famous speaker of this unique, tonal language).

Next, with about 18% of South Africa’s population speaking Xhosa, this language makes up an important component of African identity for many people. It’s one of the most widespread indigenous languages in this part of the world. The clicking sounds inherent to various dialects of Xhosa can be heard all over South Africa, as well as in communities of Xhosa speakers who have emigrated abroad. You can find Xhosa speaking communities in Australia, America, Botswana, Great Britain, and beyond.

Even though you might be able to catch smidgens of Xhosa spoken all over the planet, the main place where this fascinating language thrives is South Africa. For this reason — and considering South Africa’s dominance in sub-Saharan Africa in things as diverse as manufacturing, tourism, military and banking — the rate at which people will request Xhosa translation in the future will probably only increase.

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