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Need to hire consecutive interpreter,simultaneous interpreting and telelphone interpreting service in China?

Whether a conference interpreted simultaneously, a business meeting

or telephone interpreting,

Eging always have the suitable interpreter for your needs.

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Basic Phone Interpreting Protocol_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2017/06/06 00:00:00  浏览次数:869  
字体大小: 【小】 【中】 【大】

E-ging Solutions is a world-leading Shanghai translation company with specialties in Phone Interpreting.

When you or a client that your company is working for have to communicate via phone interpreting, there are some basic protocols you may want to keep in mind.

When in the hands of professionals, phone interpreting generally runs very smoothly. But you can get even more out of this service by knowing a little bit about how it works.

Imagine a conversation where everyone is talking at the same time (regardless of the languages being used). If that happens, and you have three or more voices competing to be heard, you’ll run into a cacophony of noise — and communication will suffer as a result.

Professional interpreting services can make these kinds of troubles disappear. Here are some simple steps that make most phone interpreting services work for you:

Call the designated toll-free number

Enter your account number

Choose the desired language

Enter your PIN number

Then, after you connect with a professional interpreter, he or she will begin interpreting for you.

There you have it. Make sure you have a good phone and a good connection as well. If you want to facilitate the process even more, speak as clearly and concisely as you can. Cultural metaphors, while apt, are not always easy to translate. But even so, you can rest assured, as you are now in the hands of a capable professional.

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