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Steps we can take to avoid the extinction of foreign languages_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2017/01/04 00:00:00  浏览次数:828  
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E-ging Solutions is a world-leading Shanghai translation company with specialties in foreign languages translation.

Extinction of foreign languages

The world is a massive place; there’s no denying that, but to date we have already lost 50% of the world’s forests, and this is continuing to grow at a shocking rate every year. Being a lover of languages and travel, I find it very upsetting that with deforestation and the destruction of natural habitats – rare, indigenous languages and cultures are quickly dying out.

It is said that one in four of the world’s 7,000 languages are at risk of dying out as we continue to cut down trees and merge rural communities. This is a sad statistic and shows that language is not only about the spoken and writtenword, but it also defines complete cultures.

1 in 4 of the world’s 7,000 languages are at risk of dying out

Even though 38% of the world’s population speak English (either as their first, second or third language) it is important for English speakers to not become lazy, and to preserve the beautiful array of languages around the world, not only through verbal and written communication, but by adopting cultural differences when in that country.

Translation, localisation and transcreation

At E-ging Solution we are able to facilitate this process; we take the time to not only translate words, but to adapt content to ensure that it suits the cultures in which it will be received. We work with our clients and linguists to understand different working patterns due to religious holidays, differences in working hours and working weeks, the way to approach different subject matters that might be sensitive within different cultures and find alternative ways to communicate your message.

We not only translate words, but to adapt content to the cultures

Even though some languages may be extinct, that doesn’t mean that we can’t still show an interest in them and learn them. Learning the likes of Latin has been proven to help with the learning of French and Spanish, as their roots share a lot of similarities.

We can’t single handedly stop deforestation, but we can preserve the use of different languages through the powers oflocalisation and language learning.

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