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What’s your keyphrase? 6 ways to improve your search rankings_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2017/01/02 00:00:00  浏览次数:777  
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E-ging Solutions is one of the largest Shanghai translation companies .if you’d like to know more about how we can help you, please don’t hesitate to contact us via through our website.

Are you looking for new customers but struggling to compete on search rankings? Here are some top tips on how to move up to page one.

You’ve probably carried out some initial keyword research, and are presented with a long list of searches you want to target. So how do you go about adding that keyword list to the website, and how do you decide what the right number per page is?

1 – Optimise for one keyphrase and get high rankings for many search terms

A strategy you should always take – optimise your web pages for a very targeted phrase that consists of many words. This is called a “keyphrase” or a longtail keyword.

2 – Why a keyphrase is your friend                                            

  • It’s much easier to get high rankings for targeted key phrases because the competition is not as fierce as it is for a one word keyword.
  • Keyphrases attract much more targeted website visitors. People who search for “golf” might be interested in magazines, clubs or even a car. People who search for “buy inexpensive golf shoes” are looking for low-cost golf shoes and they are ready to purchase.
  • By optimising a web page for a keyphrase, you automatically optimise that web page for the individual parts of that keyphrase. For example, your web page will automatically be optimised for “golf shoes”, “inexpensive golf shoes” and other keywords if you optimise your page for “buy inexpensive golf shoes”.

3 – Don’t just optimise the home page

Many people try to optimise the home page (which is the index page of a website) for every possible keyword. This is not a good idea. A single web page shouldn’t be optimised for more than one or two of your chosen keywords, otherwise it becomes more difficult to focus your content.

4 – Be relevant

It should go without saying, but it is much better if a web page is highly relevant to one keyword than somewhat relevant to many search terms.

5 – Target website visitors – one keyword, one page

If a potential customer searches for “brown golf shoes” and they land on a page on the website that is all about brown golf shoes, it will convert much better than a page that is about golf shoes, golf balls, the latest golf news and golf clubs. It’s nice to have these items on the website but they should be on separate pages.

The more pages you optimise, the better your ranking will be. If several pages of the website have been optimised for many related keywords, then the website will look relevant to the topic of your keywords. If search engines find that the website is relevant to a special topic then it will be easier to get high rankings for the individual keywords.

6 – Open up your world further

After using these tips to boost your website, getting your website localised into other languages and engaging in a similar approach with multilingual SEO will open up a huge range of new audiences and business opportunities in other countries you never thought about conducting business with before. Have a look at our SEO infographic below to see the steps needed to get your website optimised for the international market.

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