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3 considerations when recruiting in international markets_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2016/12/30 00:00:00  浏览次数:810  
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E-ging Solutions is one of the largest Shanghai translation companies .if you’d like to know more about how we can help you, please don’t hesitate to contact us via through our website.

Do you need to recruit within international markets? If so, methods and techniques that may be successful in the China may not be relevant and deliver the same result in UK or Japan. Gaining the best results will only happen if you match the right skills to the right job!

Below are 3 tips that will help you obtain the best outcomes for your business.

Market research

Perhaps the most important tip, and certainly the one to follow in the first instance, is to do your market research. There is absolutely no point in undertaking a recruitment campaign in a geographical area you have very little knowledge of, and expect the results to be similar to those you achieve in the China. For example, in France a law to reduce the statutory working week from 39 hours to 35 hours was introduced in 2000 and 2002 (the year was dependant on the size of the company). Staying in France, approximately 80% of organisations still use graphology for recruitment and screening purposes, despite the increased use of computers and therefore, decline in handwriting Look at local job adverts and assess the language and tone

Obtain as much information as possible about the local market, how your industry/sector functions in that market, what salaries look like and who your competitors will be. Gathering this information in advance will mean you have a good local knowledge base when writing and posting your job adverts. Learning as much as possible about the local market and how your company will fit, will also lead to more detailed, meaningful and personalised conversations during the interview process.

Localised messages

As we know, words and phrases mean different things in different languages! Therefore, it is important to ensure your recruitment messages are appropriate for the ‘local’ market and incorporate cultural and social differences. Localise your messages accordingly, so it is specific and relevant to the candidates you are trying to reach and attract.

Rrecruitment messages should incorporate cultural and social differences

Make the most of social media channels and consider which of them your ideal candidates are most likely to be interested in and use.  Also, look at local job adverts and assess the language and tone, so you can create a similar style in yours. Look at local methods of engaging with prospective candidates instead of just going through the same processes you use in the China, and speak to your contacts for advice regarding which methods and techniques work best for them.

Qualifications and experience

Is the candidate sat opposite you right for the job? All too often, we focus on a candidate’s qualifications and experience however, when recruiting in international markets it is important to look at all aspects including knowledge of the local market, culture and language.

When selecting a candidate, a number of people will go with their ‘gut feel’ and 99% of the time, insist this works for them. There are more scientific ways in which to recruit someone however, instincts are important.

If your instincts tell you a candidate is right for you, but they do not tick all the boxes, it may be worth considering whether the job specification can be tweaked. After all, recruit in haste and repent at leisure!

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