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Whether a conference interpreted simultaneously, a business meeting

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Eging always have the suitable interpreter for your needs.

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Interpretation is the verbal translation_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2016/11/04 00:00:00  浏览次数:839  
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E-ging Solutions is a world-leading Shanghai translation company with specialties in Interpretation.

Have you ever dreamed of being an interpreter?
Interpretation is the verbal translation of a conversation or presentation. Interpreter's role is to ensure communication between parties is as clear as possible and misunderstandings are minimised. Having an interpreter allows you to express yourself in your native language. An interpreter can help you bide time to formulate responses in negotiations and assist you in understanding cultural differences.
Interpreting is a complex process that requires a high level of linguistic, cognitive and technical skills; it requires physical endurance, the ability to handle challenging situations, portray the emotions of participants, remain impartial, and adhere to confidentiality.
Most interpreting situations are challenging. Interpreters work in highly pressured environments and dynamics, having to think on their feet to keep the communication flowing. They need a lot of patience, diplomacy and sometimes nerves of steel. 
Therefore, If you want to be a good interpreter,on one hand, you should have rich experience, on other hand, you should have the ability to resist pressure, and A ‘cure’ for stress is relaxation.

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