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What Is Translation Difficults?_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2016/10/13 00:00:00  浏览次数:936  
字体大小: 【小】 【中】 【大】

E-ging Solutions is a world-leading Shanghai translation company, can provide professional translation services.

Fiding out the difficults in translation, it will help translators and interpreters improve themselves and do a good translation service.
Translation is not a easy job, there are many difficults in translation process. Generally, there are two types translation difficults: major difficulties and particular difficulties. What is the majoy difficulsts? The difficulties appear during the entire translation process are called major difficults. And they aapear in any language. Particular difficulties is the difficulties limited by a certain aspect of translating in each type of translation, each type of text, each specific language pairs as well as each different language functions
There are three categories of major difficults. The first one is differences in language. This is the most common type of difficulty and the most direct impact on the translation process. Every language has its own grammar, structure. The second one is the differences in culture. Each country has its own sepcial culture. A good translation must readable and acceptable by local people. But it is not easy for translator to know a foreign culture well. When to translate the words which reflect the culture into the foreign language, we may meet a lot of difficulties, even difficulties which are so great that it seemed to be insufficient, because there are no corresponding words in the target language. The last one is the difference in the mode of thinking of each nation. The most prominent of which is the separation method implementations of each language community. 
So as a translator, if you want to be a professional one you should solve the three majoy difficults in translation.

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