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Simultaneous interpretation skills_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2016/10/01 00:00:00  浏览次数:906  
字体大小: 【小】 【中】 【大】

E-ging Solutions is a world-leading Shanghai translation company with specialties in simultaneous interpretation.

Also belongs to the category of simultaneous translation and simultaneous interpretation is also the highest level of translation in the most difficult. Simultaneous interpretation is to use one language to another language to express thoughts and feelings, and the speaker's speed is almost the same time, a kind of translation practice expressed orally. Shanghai Translation Company believes want to do a qualified simultaneous or severely beaten difficult, not only for the language quite proficient, but also need to have a very broad range of knowledge and resourcefulness, which requires costly translators time and experience as well as the continuous accumulation of experience. 
Because simultaneous interpretation can greatly save time and money, so in 1946 the United Nations Conference was officially used. As the extent of the continuous deepening of China's opening up of the international conference attended by more and more simultaneous adoption is constantly showing an upward trend. Many SMEs are constantly using simultaneous interpretation, shows that simultaneous interpretation is constantly being accepted. 
Simultaneous interpretation can be divided into the following steps: primitive speakers, microphones & headphones, translators, microphone & headphone listeners. Under normal circumstances an interpreter will be used along the translation method, but because there is a big difference in both the English language, if only to emphasize the corresponding interpreter, then the audience will feel that the language is very jerky, so this requires an appropriate reduction interpreter word by word so that the language reads fluent and understandable. 
Simultaneous interpretation will generally uses the following methods, Shanghai translation company to come and explore with everyone. First, drive along sentence. In simultaneous interpretation process, the order will hear sentences translated sentences, and even into a coherent sentence. At the same time not only to remember the translation language, you also need to hear the contents of the right to express it to the translator's memory tremendous challenges and pressures. The second is complementary method. Simultaneous supplementation occupy a very important position, Chinese parataxis, English hypotaxis, which requires appropriate to add some information in the translation when the translator. The third is the repetition, the English are generally linked by conjunctions will sentence, while Chinese is no conjunctions, repeating phrases can make up for the lack of communication and exchange. 
Shanghai Translation Company believes want to do simultaneous interpretation, although with great difficulties, but as long as their intentions of learning, holding interest, we will be able to do it well, and there is nothing difficult willing heart.

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