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medical translation skills_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2016/09/30 00:00:00  浏览次数:891  
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E-ging Solutions is a world-leading Shanghai translation company with specialties in medical translation.

Medical translation is relatively more difficult than other areas of larger, due to the relationship to human life, it must be very cautious, coupled with professional terminology also a lot of very esoteric connotations, so many translators are prohibitive. Shanghai Translation Company on the following talk in English translation of medical opinion. 
First of all, it should be empathy, translate this thing needs to stand up to consider each other's position. Translation purpose is to allow readers to be able to understand, to understand it, if you simply translate their own, others completely unintelligible, then there is no doubt that the translation is a failure. Good translation is injected into the strengths of the original in another language, so that the reader a clearer understanding, produce more intense resonance. Empathy should consider whether the expression of expression, Chinese and English grammar is not the same, in the translation process should improve into account. To stand up to consider the position of the target language, both faithful to the original, but also in line with the expression of Medical English. 
Secondly, we must highlight the culture, and strive authentic. Because medicine is a traditional Chinese culture. During translation time, to try to reflect the cultural and ideological connotations profound Chinese, Chinese medicine will best reflect the cultural heritage of the place perfectly translated, rather than to go along with Western culture, if the very traditional Chinese culture translation is very straightforward, not only can not understand the essence of Chinese culture will also translate ocean not the ocean, not in. It should also pay attention to the translation skills, such as a clear context, flexible translation, appropriate additions, retain the original flavor, etc. In addition, Chinese medicine is often concise language, many expressed in classical form, but in the translation yet are unable simplistic. 
Thirdly, the translation To paraphrase convey strive vivid. Some in the medical profession vocabulary terms no direct equivalent in English, can be communicated through translation, and integration of application and translation, transliteration, etc. Many in the medical vocabulary comes from life experience, most of the principles of word formation is like taking the analogy, the surface structure is more concise, but overflow outside the literal meaning is more abundant. Therefore, to be precise translation, literal sentence should get rid of the shackles through the surface to explore the essence of deep meaning. 
Finally, to improve the quality, scientific and rational. Like words in medicine in many, therefore, the translator only to rigorous and scientific attitude seriously translation of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine theory can accurately convey to foreign friends. The translator must not only has a wealth of theoretical knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, but also has extensive knowledge of classical Chinese culture, the only way to grasp and understanding of traditional Chinese medicine on the original. Meanwhile, the translator had to theoretical system and Western medicine treatment understanding, and a better grasp of medical English. 
Shanghai Translation Company believes that a higher level if the translator of English, English firmer foundation of English diction, phrasing, grammar structures, rhetoric and so have extensive knowledge and skilled translation skills, the translated language translation of traditional Chinese medicine will be smooth, Shunda, the reader will be clear, and clearly eligible - have TCM original information provided. This also requires an interpreter constantly combat experience summarized, constantly improve their literacy and English language skills, continuous improvement is key to success.

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