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How to develop customers for Translation company ?_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2016/09/20 00:00:00  浏览次数:960  
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E-ging Solutions is one of the largest Shanghai translation companies .if you’d like to know more about how we can help you, please dont hesitate to contact us via through our website.

Due to the rapid development of the translation industry, but also the rapid rise in recent years, translation company, especially in large cities, increased translation company in Shanghai, Beijing, etc. These will bring unprecedented fierce competition in the market, then it should be how to translate the company mining and keep clients?

Although there are a lot of companies and individuals have this kind of translation needs in accordance with the principles, it should be busy translation company simply can not stop, but that is because many people saw this, and also established a translation company to drive down prices competition, strive to get more customers, will keep the price down, it will lead to market turbulence, there will be some quality translations thus failed to affect the reputation of the industry.

Translation company should first create a good corporate reputation, for the quality of the translation to rigorous checks, the translation is also affiliated with the service sector, is a business services, since it is the service sector, it is bound to be good customer service, not only in terms of quality in interaction with others is also needed before they can make people comfortable.

No one will take the initiative to seek them in the beginning of the start time, the need to constantly tap the potential customers, to get out of the old mode of thinking, pioneering an innovative model, continuous innovation, blindly conformist is not well the development, but also can learn from other service industries mode, to find a way for their own development company in Drawing Lessons.

Currently the entire mainland market, people for the specific function of translation company is still relatively vague. Here are a number of larger companies, in the face of the need for an interpreter, and always used to turn to a network or a foreign language more familiar to people. This is what people respect the boundaries of professional translation and foreign language learning has vague understanding. So you want to take advantage of these customers, we must start from their own, their own experiences, using a variety of examples to convince customers. Allow customers to professional translators advantage. So as to develop their own customer base. If good quality, coupled with customers by word of mouth, naturally, afraid of no business to come to.

In constant innovation, we must ensure that quality is the foundation.

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