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Three Secret Weapons to Improve Interpreting_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2016/09/14 00:00:00  浏览次数:928  
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    E-ging Solutions is a world-leading Shanghai translation company with specialties in interpretation.

     I am sure we all agree that one of the basic requirements for a professional to deliver a successful interpretation, be it in the booth or in a court or other environment, is first to have a disciplined mind to render the task at hand free of distractions. And,in order to have a disciplined mind,your physical body must be healthy,relaxed, and rested.
  During my over 30 years in the business, I have tried a lot of methods to achieve this goal in the most expedient and effortless manner. These methods have included watching my diet, personal training, and practicing concentration techniques, but I found all of them lacking in some aspect. Either they conferred better health without the necessary relaxation and mental concentration, or they met some other incomplete set of criteria. Then I discovered yoga.
  Ultimately, the proof is in the pudding, and I have been able to verify through my personal practice that the combination of the three basic physical and mental disciplines of yoga—postures, breathing exercises, and meditation—achieve a focused mind exceptionally well.
  Postures: Yoga postures differ from traditional Western exercises that focus on developing large muscles and disciplining the body. These postures are designed to affect both the mind and body positively. Yoga postures are unique in that they also tone up the body’s chief endocrine glands,such as the adrenal or suprarenal capsules, the pineal and pituitary glands,the thyroid, carotid, and the gonads,all of which produce hormones that regulate your body’s growth, metabolism, and sexual development, as well as function. 1 We need a well-tuned body to carry out the oftentimes stress-inducing work of interpreting,which in time will affect us adversely if left unchecked. It should be noted that the gonads are responsible not only for an individual’s sexuality, but also for his or her remaining in an optimum state of health. They maintain youthful vigor, prevent the onset of senility, and exercise a deep psychological and physiological influence on the organism.
  Breathing: By learning to control our breathing, we can control our life energy, which we draw in through the breath. The aim is to increase oxygenation of the blood. All metabolic processes in the body are regulated by oxygen and work to rid our bodies of waste and toxins. Our brains process billions of bits of information each second, so even our ability to think, feel, and act requires oxygenrelated energy production. Scientists now agree that oxygen plays a powerful and primary role in our overall health and well-being. A growing number of researchers have demonstrated that the best way to improve health may be related to the optimum oxygenation of every cell. When energy is distributed evenly through proper oxygenation, we achieve psycho-physical coordination, which helps us rid ourselves of emotional complexes and the unbalances that give rise to fear, anger,envy, or a sense of inferiority. Breathing is an indispensable resource for an interpreter who may succumb to any of the above during an assignment because of external circumstances or because of his or her own sense of inferiority during a very demanding job. Proper breathing counteracts anxiety swiftly and allows us to perform optimally.
  Meditation: Finally, and most important, there is meditation. The fatigue of the senses demands rest, which is why we sleep at night. However, the mind is working subtly even during sleep, so we do not achieve full rest.Real rest is only secured through meditation.  The entire mind and nervous system become reenergized.New neural grooves, cells, and channels are formed,6 which allow you to experience serenity, a sense of focus,one-pointedness of mind, patience, and contentment at all times, even under stress. The neural pathways created during meditation will help you control the wanderings of the typical mind, which often jumps unrestrained from one thought to the next without respite. Meditation is an invaluable asset in our field, where we have to render the thoughts and words of others continuously, playing down the normal interference created by our minds as a reaction to said input. It creates a space where our mind is stilled and we can be creative in how we manage the output of what we are hearing.

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