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Whether a conference interpreted simultaneously, a business meeting

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Eging always have the suitable interpreter for your needs.

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Freelance Translators And Interpreters_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2016/05/02 00:00:00  浏览次数:1066  
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Eging solutions is one of the largest translation companies in Shanghai.Since 2007, we have specialized in multi-language translation and interpretation service from Chinese to other major languages. Eging solutions has freelance translators and interpreters from around the world.

Most freelance translators and interpreters truly enjoy their craft and the flexibility that comes with being in business for themselves. The creativity involved in working with languages, the sense of building bridges between different cultures, the exposure to a variety of topics, and setting one’s own schedule all add to the satisfaction of our profession. We are our own bosses and we like it that way.

  The flipside is that freelance work can get quite lonely at times when it is just you, your computer and the vast Internet, and when there is very little personal interaction other than project-related communication with clients. There is no friendly office banter, no language geek across the room who will appreciate a quick recitation of an exceptionally wellcrafted translation, and no one who will empathize with you if a project does not progress as expected.
  Support can be hard to find, especially when you are dealing with an uncooperative computer or have a software issue with a deadline looming, all the while losing valuable time waiting for answers to questions posted on a faceless website portal. And what do you do if you are having a bad case of writer’s block? You may be able to clear your head with a walk around the block (if your deadlines are generous enough), but that does not necessarily help with producing interesting alternatives to express a tricky phrase in the source document in the required target language. Or how do you work up the courage to go for the desired rate increase when you are presented with the opportunity to submit a bid to a new client? And who will care and be there to supply a much-needed pep talk if you are having a real downer of a day and feel like this whole freelance business is just overwhelming?

  A good working partner can be the solution to all, or at least most, of these quandaries. Reflecting on four years of successful virtual partnerships, we would like to share our experiences, discuss the basis for a functioning professional relationship,and introduce valuable tools to help make working with a virtual partner an enjoyable and productive experience. It is our hope that more freelancers will feel encouraged to start breaking out of their individual shells to enjoy the rewards of working as part of a self-managed virtual team.

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ICP 备案号:沪ICP备14046471号-4 is a world-leading translation company with specialties in website translation, legal translation, patent translation, certified translation, software localization, website localization, software products, and enterprise-level, professional translation services. Whether you are looking for a translation agency or an independent translator, Eging offers a full array of language services to meet your needs.

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