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The impact of digital marketing disruption on the localisation industry_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2019/02/21 00:00:00  浏览次数:1021  
字体大小: 【小】 【中】 【大】

As more businesses and brands move their marketing efforts to focus on digital, they must also look at how to engage with a user. The mass adoption of mobile phones and tablets means that the digital landscape is more accessible to the global market than even before.

Increasing access to the internet

Mass internet access isn’t limited to Europe and North America; for every internet user in the developed world, there are two in the developing world. Internet users in India increased 30% from 2015 to 2016. In comparison, internet users in the United Kingdom increased 0.9% for the same time period.

Digital content and technology

With the introduction of devices that connect seamlessly with other devices and humans, these innovative forms of communication pose a new challenge when it comes to language. For example, Apple’s voice recognition software Siri understands commands, questions and jokes in 15 languages and is designed to pick up regional dialects and accents.

This article looks at the importance of translating digital marketing content and assets to reach a multilingual audience, and tips for an international sales and marketing strategy.

The full article was written by Digital Marketing Manager, Fiona Brindle, and was published in MultiLingual magazine

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