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Media Translation: The Invasion of Video_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2018/11/12 00:00:00  浏览次数:683  
字体大小: 【小】 【中】 【大】

First, video killed the radio star and now, it is taking over everything else. With the emergence of youtube as one of the most popular forms of media, video has confirmed that it is here to stay. The use of video is also reaching the global world and there is a growing need to localize video files. In the world of media translation, video comes with certain specifications. Clients have many options when translating a video dialogue. It is kind of a grey area that should be cleared out to help clients pick the best options for their needs.

There are three main techniques to translate a video dialogue:

1. Subtitling– This is the best known technique of the three. It consists of inserting the oral dialogue into words on the video file, without altering the audio file. Different countries have different ways of placing the subtitles on the screen: many Asian countries place them in the right corner of the screen as a column (as to simulate their writing format), while other countries place them in the upper-centered part of the screen, but the most common method is to place them at the bottom of the screen.

Elements that determine proper subtitling location:

 How many words the audience will read?

Over what length of time?

 How fast the subtitles replace each other

 In which country will the video be viewed?

 2.  Voice-over- This technique does not completely replace the original voices, but rather new voices are recorded over the original ones. Here, the original dialogue is muted slightly to allow the voice talent to perform the translation, yet one can still hear the original voice recording.

 3. Dubbing– This is a complete replacement of the original voices. We do not hear them at all. A voice talent will translate the original dialogue transmitting the tones, emotions, and other elements of the original dialogue or speech.

If you have a need for video translation, contact us to talk more in depth about your specific needs and we’ll provide you with a free estimate. We would love to help you translate and localize your video so that you can communicate with the world.

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