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Need of Localization for B2B Websites Through a Microsite_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2018/07/24 00:00:00  浏览次数:872  
字体大小: 【小】 【中】 【大】

A microsite is a website that is smaller than a business’s main site but has links to it. Often a business will create a microsite when starting to promote a new product.

Creating a microsite in a foreign language

This is a particularly good idea if a business’s main site isn’t entirely appropriate for another country. Some of the useful content can be translated and transferred to the microsite while marketing material for the particular customer in another country will need to be adapted to suit the culture of the likely customer whether it’s B2B or B2C.

A Microsite for localising your B2B website may be a good idea if:

You are out to target and welcome new audiences.

It offers good search engine optimization (SEO) prospects.

It is a way to customize your product to a new B2B market.

You are testing your product in new waters.

What you should include when localising your B2B foreign language microsite

First of all check on the visitor numbers for your main site and those that attract the most hits should be transferred to you new microsite. Do some research on your B2B target audience and see what sort of content attracts them the most. Make sure what you choose is translated appropriately for a B2B audience. You must ensure that the links work back to your main website as the businesses accessing your profile will see where your business origins are.

The localisation process for B2B

Once the microsite is ready to load localising it appropriately means ensuring any images or videos are suitable for the intended audience and any voice over translations have been completed. This includes everything from image choices to videos and PDF files. You will need to get your search or keywords optimised for SEO and this means getting an experienced translator to incorporate the keywords into your content pages.

This has to be done in such a way that the text flows smoothly and there is no inappropriate or poor language used that may distract the reader from your site. B2B localisation is very important as this is a far more competitive world than B2C. You want to attract overseas businesses to buy your product in bulk and on sell it to the final consumer. Packing a container load of your product into a container or two to send to an overseas business is far more lucrative than handling one good to one customer sales which is takes up much more time and involves a higher cost per product.



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