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Hotel Signs Must Be Translated Correctly - Part 2_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2018/05/21 00:00:00  浏览次数:625  
字体大小: 【小】 【中】 【大】

Signs Designed to Increase the Satisfaction of Hotel Guests

Signs that are designed to offer hotel customers valuable information are not only used to keep their customers happy, they also indirectly affect the hotel's revenue. When a hotel provides its customers with those little extras that allow the guest to feel safe, comfortable, and catered for, this in return helps the hotel build its reputation. And the better reputation the hotel has, the more guests will be attracted to the hotel.

Hotels need to provide their guests with signs that enable their easy navigation throughout the hotel. Having these signs translated into various languages is such a negligible investment for a hotel, but the experience that it offers the hotel guest is greatly improved. Signs like Exit or WC are considered to be international signs and generally don’t require any translation; but hotel guests can become very confused when they see signs like Pool, Conference Room, Car Park, Snacks Machine, Elevators, Stairs to Upper Floors, Breakfast Room, and so on. Foreign guests of the hotel who don’t speak the language could become extremely confused while trying to navigate their way around the hotel, and this would not bode well for the hotel and the impression they leave on their hotel guests. And of course, if your hotel guests leave with a negative impression of the hotel, they won’t be returning anytime soon – and nor will their friends, family members, work colleagues, neighbors, or anyone else who hears about their negative experience.

Signs that provide valuable information to hotel guests can include Opening Hours for the Hotel Restaurant, Front Desk Notifications, Restaurant Menus, Weather Forecasts, Evacuation Plans, and so on; and these are all very important when a hotel is trying to generate the perfect experience for its hotel guests. We know in the UK that the number of foreign guests in hotels has been increasing exponentially, so when hotels fail to have these signs accurately translated byprofessional translators they run the risk of losing many valuable, potential customers.

Signs Designed to Protect the Interests of Both the Hotel and Its Guests

Some examples of signs designed to protect the interests of both the hotel and its guests include signs that warn of danger, such as Hot Surface, High Voltage, Caution: Wet Floor, and so on. Generally, these signs are usually equipped with visuals, but what use are they to hotel guests if they can’t understand what the sign says? The first point here is that, if foreign guests don’t understand what the sign says, then they or their health are being placed in danger. The second point is that, when people don’t understand signage, they become annoyed and frustrated because now they’re being put in the unnecessary position of having to ask someone what the sign says. And the last thing any hotel needs is for their guests to leave the hotel being frustrated and angry, or even worse, having experienced danger to themselves or their health due to the hotel’s lack of care and concern for its foreign guests.


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