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Literary translation services in Shanghai E-ging Translation

发表时间:2015/08/26 00:00:00  浏览次数:1375  
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Literary Translation: The Migration of Language

Shanghai E-ging Translation Solutions Providing a literary translation of the highest quality requires the most talented and creative linguists. Works of literature are written in an eloquent and vivid prose which makes translating them both a meticulous and an artistic task.

The literary translator captures the colour, emotion and style of the author to ensure the true spirit of the work travels seamlessly through the chosen language. Word-for-word translations provide the reader with an accurate account of the text but these rarely embody the richness and soul that the creative linguist introduces. We only commission translators who have mastered the skill of creative writing and possess the artistic skills, cultural awareness and knowledge of the industry itself.

The finest linguist for your assignment

Literary translators have expertise in one or more genres that categorises a linguist according to their area of expertise and measures their ongoing performance. This ensures that tone, content and style are consistent across every genre be it an epic, a comedy, a creative non-fiction or a speech. We only ever source the most suitable, mother-tongue linguists with first-hand experience in the relevant sectors and work with you to select the right professional for the role. Our clients find this collaborative approach to be highly effective and it may include the provision of test translations and conferences to agree style guides and glossaries.

A project manager is dedicated to you

Our accounts team and project managers are highly proficient and understand the importance of commissioning the right people with the right skills to ensure assignments are a stunning success. A project manager is dedicated to oversee the entire process and ensures quality, confidentiality and trust is maintained at all times. Our managers and linguists are among the most highly qualified and experienced in the language industry and rank number one in the customer care stakes. They have vast experience of delivering a range of literary projects .

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