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Freelance Translator or Direct Employment – How to Choose - Part 2_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2017/12/13 00:00:00  浏览次数:743  
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Direct Employment as a Translator

Direct employment is, without a doubt, the greatest security you’ll have when it comes to both sourcing work and knowing that payment for your labour will arrive in your account every payday. And, of course, most people enjoy their work more and work better in a structured environment, and love leaving that environment at the end of the day and thus walking away from their professional responsibilities for just a few short hours.

Package Benefits

Another reason why people will choose direct employment over freelance work is the benefits one receives with most positions: amongst other things, this might include a health care plan.

But, it is true that working in this kind of environment does take away some of your freedoms as far as having the opportunity to make your own decisions, and it can definitely be limiting in different ways. Other people find that working in an organised environment cramps their style and they find it difficult to grow in their career, regardless of whether it’s their salary or their professional development.

Obligations to Employer

Also, when you’re working in a controlled environment it can present difficulties when one must solve issues in one’s own private life, which could involve wanting to leave the office to run a specific errand, or even simply taking a short break after lunch.

But it’s definitely the social aspect that’s the greatest advantage of working as a direct employee. Working in a group can be completely gratifying, allowing us to learn and share our knowledge with the people who are sharing our environment. This prevents translators from becoming so isolated which, unfortunately, happens all too often in our profession.

So How Do You Choose?

There are many factors that will come into play when you make your final decision on what is the right way for you to go; factors such as your age, your confidence in yourself, your economic situation, the translation market where you live, your goals, how you envisage your career in the future, and basically your own will and what you really want for yourself.

Either way, if you believe down the track that you’ve made a mistake, then simply change. Nothing is set in stone! 

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